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Choral Evensong, Chelmsford Cathedral 2014

Shrimathi Susanna, performed with 28 Bharathanatyam dancers during the evening service on Sunday 21st December 2014 at Chelmsford Cathedral. The group performed three East Meets West dances on Christian themes, to a mixed congregation of Hindus and Christians.

It was an extraordinary, unique and hugely valued occasion, when dancers from one faith and culture had the grace and courage to come to the heart of another faith and culture to contribute to and augment its worship. The English Choral Tradition met Classical Indian music and dance, and the resulting symmetry astonished and moved everyone who witnessed it. The event proved very important, not only for Chelmsford Cathedral's dialogue and outreach with different faith communities in Essex, and to showcase the diversity, openness and welcome that should define what a Cathedral is for.The Rev'd Canon Ivor Moody, Vice Dean and Canon Pastor of Chelmsford Cathedral

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© 2021 Shrimathi Susanna.

The Maltings, Chipping Hill, Halstead, Essex CO9 2BY


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